Monday, April 25, 2011

Teaching the Holocaust

At the beginning of this semester, we watched a movie called "Paperclips" which relates the story of a small homogenous school tackling teaching the concept of diversity. How could they make their students who did not live in a diverse population about diversity and what happens if we don't respect one another. They decided to teach a unit on the Holocaust which led one student to ask "How can we represent six million (the number of Jews killed), I just can't picture six million." They decided to collect six million paperclips. The movie follows them as they collect paper clips from celebrities, from Holocaust survivors, and the letters that come with the paperclips. The project grows far beyond what any teacher could have ever imagined and there is now a monument at the school where visitors come to learn about the Holocaust and subsequent classrooms serve as guides. It was a very moving piece which I believe could be beneficial to every classroom studying the Holocaust. I know I still carry a paperclip with me, lest this event in history slip from my mind.

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