Sunday, May 8, 2011

History In The Making: Bin Laden Killed By Navy Seals

On Sunday, May 1, President Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by Navy Seals, bringing closure to the family and friends of nearly 3,000 people who were killed on September 11, 2001. Hopefully, it also signals the beginning of the end of the reign of terrorists throughout the world.
Osama Bin Laden was a powerful and dynamic leader of the terrorist sector in the Middle East. He will, thankfully, be hard to replace. With the recent examples of peaceful revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, it is not too hard to believe there are a significant number of people who are tired of the violence and wish to find a more reasonable way to resolve differences. With the death of Bin Laden and the success of peaceful demonstrations in Egypt and Tunisia, perhaps we can look forward to a more harmonious transition into a global society.
Teachers can use this news event to teach students about a significant moment in history that occurred in their lifetime and how it affects our every day life. It provides the perfect opportunity for students to see the many heros who responded to the attack on the World Trade Center. The actions of the first responders is a glimpse into what it truly means to be an American.